Ace Blockchain Crypto Network Whitepaper Version 1.0

Ace Blockchain Crypto Network Whitepaper Version 1.0


14 min read

Ace Blockchain Crypto Network

Ace Blockchain Crypto Network -ABCN is a fast, scalable and low fee Blockchain Ecosystem, designed to support businesses with friendly blockchain solutions..

Our goal is to bridge offline to online, and web2 to web3 to prepare the world for a new fully tokenized reality. Ace Blockchain’s protocol provides the user with an easy-to-use interface that is best-in-class, allowing onboard companies,Dapps, DAOs, investors, and service providers into the same ecosystem.

Ace Blockchain’s decentralised management system opens new opportunities for funding, governance, measuring performance, and managing treasuries.


This document is for educational and experimental purposes only. This document is provided by the Ace Blockchain Crypto Network team and does not in any way represent technical, legal, compliance, regulatory, financial or investment advice. Due to various risks and uncertainties, including but not limited to, technological developments and industry conditions, the actual performance and development of items described herein may differ materially from those reflected or contemplated herein.

Ace Blockchain Crypto Network does not accept any obligation to provide recipients with any additional information, or to update, expand, revise and/or amend the information herein, or to correct any inaccuracies which may become apparent.

Although all information and views expressed herein are provided in good faith, estimates and assumptions made by Ace Blockchain Crypto Network’s team, make no representation or warranty (expressed or implied) as to the accuracy or completeness of the information herein, and no assurance is provided that actual results will be consistent with the descriptions and projections herein.

This document is not a prospectus and does not constitute or form any part of any offer or invitation to subscribe for, underwrite or purchase the “ABCN” utility coin or, nor shall it form the basis of, or be relied upon, in any way, in connection with any decision relating to the utility coin “ABCN” issued by Ace Blockchain Crypto Network Mainnet Blockchain.

Ace Blockchain Crypto Network Mainnet Blockchain’s short name is Ace Blockchain or ABC Network Mainnet Blockchain or ABCN Mainnet Blockchain.

The “ABCN” utility coin is needed to be able to use the web3 and decentralized application (dApp) as this document explains. Ace Blockchain Crypto Network will perform the sale and transfer of the “ABCN” utility coin.

No person is bound to enter any contract or binding legal commitment in relation to the sale and purchase of the “ABCN” utility coins. Any agreement between the coin provider and an investor/s in relation to the sale and purchase of “ABCN” utility coin is to be governed solely by a separate set of documents setting out the terms and conditions of such agreement. In the event of any inconsistencies between what is established in this whitepaper, and the terms and conditions of the purchase and sale of “ABCN”, the terms and conditions of the relevant purchase and sale agreement shall supersede the whitepaper.

Ace Blockchain reserves the right to decline the sale of ABCN during its private placement of utility coins to any individual or business in the event of a breach of its core principles. Regulatory authorities have not examined the information included in this paper; thus, no approval has been granted for the information set out in this whitepaper in any jurisdiction.

Advances in innovation related to quantum computing and smart contract exploitation may present risks to Ace Blockchain. There is no guarantee that Ace Blockchain will deliver on the content established in this document or achieve its objectives.

Table of Contents

  1. Our Values ……………………………………………….. 04

2. Introduction …………………………………………….. 04

3. Purpose……………………………………………………. 05

4. Our Blockchain Architecture ……………….. 07

5. ABCN Products ………………………………………. 09

6. ABCN Coin ……………………………………………… 10

7. Tokenomics ……………………………………………. 12

1. Our Values


Ace Blockchain’s Infrastructure provides the technical infrastructure for companies to operate in a Web3 environment and create their STOs as a form of funding. It allows any business from any walk of life to move from ambition to action and succeed in realizing their projects.

● Simplicity

Ace Blockchain’s dApp is being built to emphasize simplicity, to make the tokenization process as simple and accessible as possible.

● Compliance

Ace Blockchain will help companies transform their assets such as shares into tokens, and issue their own STOs as per the applicable legislation in their host State, whilst complying with the local regulation regarding the issuance of securities and asset management. The same infrastructure will provide DAOs with the needed tools to operate and be managed.

● Democracy

Ace Blockchain paves the way to open illiquid markets to the world, creating a solution to democratize fundraising and bridge the gap between legacy finance, retail investing and the decentralized Cryptoverse resulting in new investment opportunities.

2. Introduction

Ace Blockchain is a resurgence project with its in-house community of professional developers, team of experts, and user base. This project showcases the best possible team of people having hands on experience of blockchain tech, NFTs, web3 space, and other emerging entities. As the ACE ecosystem continues to evolve and mature, we will soon see and use new innovative use cases exploring a more decentralized, secure, and transparent interest in the industry.

This project is suitable for developers and business-focused traders to make a deal on the most approaching method. ABCN grants access to this blockchain platform which is a fast, scalable, and POA-operating application.

3. Purpose

Our team of experts has lined up the development of some exceptional, user-centered, as well as market-oriented blockchain products that will make your experience hassle-free and worth capitalizing:-

  1. Blockchain Development

ABCN Blockchain is a recently released cutting-edge blockchain network that effectively operates using the Geth software’s Clique Proof of Authority consensus algorithm. This application is proposed to deliver the fastest transactions focused on the core development and anticipation of ABCN tokens offering lower energy consumption. Similar to Ethereum and Binance, we believe that Ace Blockchain Crypto Network is now able to run a smart contract independently, as its open-source modeling enables developers to create and run unlimited contracts.

2. Web3 Products Development

Our project also incorporates several ways to introduce the best web3 products and solutions working on the native asset ABCN for seamless transactions and exploring the metaverse panel.

Check out some planned product use cases:

● NFT Marketplace — An NFT Marketplace is under-progress, which will focus on the NFTs deployed on Ace Blockchain, which will upgrade to be available in other networks soon. This panel is meant to create and showcase some good NFT collections, including Lands, Avatars and many more. A member can also use the NFT Launchpad (List NFT hot and trending projects), NFT real estate, as well as NFT Multi-chain smart contracts to make the right decision about planned investments.

● Decentralized Chat and Games — A decentralized application will be released having all prospects of decentralized messaging giving access to common users who use the app without any network failure or interruptions and offering a safe place for conversation and seminars. Member will be soon allowed access to the gaming portal to be released with some of the most demanded games for gamers and to earn the native coin.

Browsers and Explorer — This application will be a dedicated explorer of ABCN coins, the same as Ether scan or BSC scan, where users can easily track all the transactions of ABCN coins and contracts.

3. Wallets and Exchange

At ACE Network, we develop DeFi applications focusing on multiple areas of interest. Looking at the decentralized financing industry crossing the bar of $15 billion, where ABC DeFi portal will enable you to explore, embrace and implement various DApps such as Decentralized exchange, crowdfunding, yield farming, and smart contract audit services to give you an authorized project to trust on.

● Crypto wallet — We are working on a non-custodial crypto wallet that will help one to store, send, and receive ABCN coins or other assets developed on Ace Blockchain. We are adding the multi-chain features for other networks such as Ethereum, Binance, and Solana as well.

● Decentralized and Centralized exchange — The team of developers are preparing CEX and DEX platforms to offer you high-volume trading in future, presenting 300+ trading assets along with a secure environment to trade and bet on.

4. Our Blockchain Architecture

We are happy to introduce an extremely new project developed with a super easy interface, launchpad, effectively explainable use cases, and scalable quite transparent what current investors or developers crave for. This Web3 project is a blockchain project that promises to serve valid, demanding, and exclusive decentralized applications for users having zero knowledge about the tech or domain.

ABCN Blockchain denoted as Ace Blockchain Crypto Network works on a cutting-edge smart contract and potential network of the Geth software’s Clique Proof of Authority (PoA) consensus mechanism. The team has perfectly laid out mostly used token standards to address the scalability, security, transparency, and decentralization challenges existing in current ecosystem and traditional blockchain systems.

The team of developers leverages the potential of PoA protocols to make ABCN Blockchain stand out of the crowd delivering an efficient and reliable environment. This platform is initiated for both the developers as well as in-house experts to explore the sights of decentralized applications (DApps) eventually deployed on Ace Network. Currently, you will find a verified terms of the GNU license of ABCN Blockchain which stays upright to its reputation.

Hence, you can use this potent blockchain network to develop, create and portray your interest and skillset for future prospect. Let us mention some details about our token standards, specifications, product use case and smart contract supporting blockchain.

ABC Network Main Net

The ABC Network Main Net is comparatively fast, scalable,and transparent network having a record to work within 3 second average block time. The team has carefully released a sophisticated native asset named ABCN coin for overall ecosystem housing a tokenomics around 21,000,000 ABCN Coin supply. Moreover, this blockchain supports ABCN-20, ABCN-721, and ABCN-1155 token standards to offer the majority facets to the user base making a loud host to begin with.

Check out the smart contracts contribution that has been introduced in support of ABCN Blockchain. Ace Blockchain for Crypto Network is a technical standard which can be used to initiate assets, hence, implement smart contracts on the independently launched blockchain network. You will find many ABCN standards that define various functionalities/features precisely for tokens and contracts.

  • ABCN-20 : This standard represents the basic functionality defined for fungible tokens on the Ace Network that are the commonest type of assets used in diverse decentralized applications, exchanges, as well as token sales.

  • ABCN-721 : This standard defines and supports the concept of NFTs unlike ABCN-20 tokens, the assets supporting this standard are unique and indivisible. Such tokens define their ownership of a particular digital item. Since, 2020, the non-fungible tokens have gained significant fame and reputation in the art and gaming industries.

  • ABCN-1155 : This standard is a combination of the aspects of both ABCN-20 and ABCN- 721 token standards while enabling the initiation of fungible as well as non-fungible assets within a single smart contract. This emergence is quite useful for sorts of applications which is developed in a mixture of both the kinds of token.

Note that the standards supported and embraced by ABCN blockchain are not the actual smart contracts themselves, instead a set of rules/guidelines used to implement some set of functionalities. Hence, with the help of this blockchain network you as a developer can feasibly create your own smart contracts adhering to some intentional standards.

5. Ace Blockchain Products

Blockchain is a buzzword that is all over the current market, industries, businesses, and other domains making progress by releasing some really good use cases and product services. Such emphasis that makes dreams a reality for the common user is introduced named Ace Blockchain Network. This network is a relatively new yet revolutionary type of blockchain network which has the capability of being a decentralized, transparent, scalable, and fast platform.

To overcome the drawbacks of Web2, the fundamentals of Web3 have been initiated to work for the outcomes with a better solution rate. Similarly, Ace Blockchain Network has introduced a reliable and fast blockchain that overcomes the issues of the current system. This project assists a user with native payments through ABCN assets particularly built for the entire ecosystem of Ace blockchain.

What is Ace Crypto Blockchain Network?

ABCN Blockchain is a cutting-edge blockchain network that operates using the Geth software’s Clique Proof of Authority (PoA) consensus algorithm. Designed to address the scalability, security, and decentralization challenges faced by traditional blockchain systems, ABCN Blockchain leverages the power of PoA consensus to provide an efficient and reliable environment for decentralized applications (dApps) and smart contracts.


ABCN Blockchain is released under the terms of the GNU license. See COPYING for more information.

Check out Installation Doc here at INSTALL.

Network Specs

ABCN MainNet

ABCN TestNet

ABCN Amazing Products

  1. Ace Blockchain Crypto Network — Public blockchain operating on PoA consensus mechanism to offer fast transactions with low energy consumption similar to Ethereum or Binance.

  2. ABCN Coin — Native asset of Ace blockchain network launched with perfect standard tokenomics built on Binance Smart Chain that can be used as fees, different modes of payment, transactions, and trading factors.

  3. ABCN Scan Explorer — Dedicated explorer was introduced for ABCN coins similar to Ether Scan and BSC Scan to monitor all sorts of transactions executed within the ecosystem and contracts using ABCN coins.

  4. Staking Program — Staking pool program for ABC Network using ABCN coins deployed with a motive to offer a stable income rather than a high income.

  5. Crypto Wallet — Non-custodial wallet for users to keep, send, and receive ABCN coins or any other assets deployed on Ace blockchain which will soon initiate multi-chain features for Binance, Ethereum, Solana, etc.

  6. Crypto Exchange — Centralized cryptocurrency exchange planned to offer high-volume trading with 300+ assets

  7. NFT Lab — NFT Marketplace for non-fungible tokens built on Ace blockchain or any other networks added whereas this panel will associate NFT Launchpad, virtual real estate, another set of lands and multi-chain smart contracts.

  8. Metaverse Panel — Development of different metaverse cities, virtual offices, and plots to give you an effective experience. Moreover, this application will cover the aspects of games, healthcare, banking, application services, avatars, and real estate.

  9. Defi DApps — While the decentralized industry crosses the $15 billion target count, Ace network presents major DApps developing and exploring decentralized exchanges, yield farming, crowdfunding, and other smart contract audit services.

  10. Booking Apps — Decentralized application that uses ABCN coin for utility payments and booking activities with extended regions, categories, and discounts.


ABCN Coin is a revolutionary cryptocurrency built ABCN blockchain technology. Designed to address the challenges of scalability, security, and decentralization, ABCN Coin aims to become a cornerstone of the digital economy.

Mission: Our mission is to provide a seamless and efficient financial ecosystem that empowers individuals and businesses worldwide. Through cutting-edge technology and a user-centric approach, we strive to foster financial inclusion and revolutionize the way people transact and interact in the digital age.

Key Features:

Scalability: ABCN Coin’s blockchain is built to handle a high throughput of transactions, ensuring fast and cost-effective transfers, even during peak usage.

Security: Utilizing state-of-the-art cryptographic protocols, ABCN Coin prioritizes the utmost security of user data and transactions, safeguarding against potential threats and attacks.

Decentralization: Our network relies on a robust decentralized consensus mechanism, enhancing transparency and resilience by eliminating single points of failure.

Smart Contracts: ABCN Coin supports smart contracts, empowering developers to create and deploy decentralized applications (DApps) with ease and efficiency.

Governance: As a truly decentralized ecosystem, ABCN Coin incorporates a community-driven governance model, allowing token holders to actively participate in shaping the project’s future.

7. Tokenomics

The ABCN Coin’s tokenomics are designed to create a sustainable and equitable ecosystem.

  • Total Supply: 21000000

  • Staking reserve: 26%

  • Staking Royalty: 52%

  • Liquidity for First 20 tokens on Ace Blockchain: 5%

  • Marketing: 4%

  • Development: 3%

  • Web3 Infrastructure: 3%

  • The team: 2%

  • Partnership & Influencers: 5%

A portion of the total supply is allocated to incentivize network validators and stalkers, promoting network security and encouraging long-term participation.

Use Cases

ABCN Coin serves as a versatile utility token within the ecosystem. Some of its primary use cases include:

- P2P Transactions : Users can seamlessly send and receive ABCN Coins for various peer-to-peer transactions.

- DApp Access : Developers can utilize ABCN Coins to access and pay for services you opt for within our decentralized applications.

- Governance : Token holders can participate in on-chain governance to cast votes on proposals and suggest protocol upgrades.

Community and Adoption

At ABCN Coin, we believe that community is the heart of our project and the source of our success. We actively intend to engage with our community using various mediums like social media channels, forums, and regular updates.

Our commitment to revolution and adoption kickstarts from forging strategic partnerships with businesses and high-end organizations that positively aligns with our vision and allow variant real-world use cases for overall growth and usage of ABCN Coin.

Future Vision

Looking ahead, we envision ABCN Coin as a driving force in the global shift towards a decentralized and inclusive financial landscape. By constantly improvising, innovating, and staying true to our principles, we aim to empower individuals and businesses alike by creating a world where financial freedom is within everyone’s reach.

Please note that this bio is a fictional representation of a hypothetical cryptocurrency called “ABCN Coin.” If a real project with this name exists or emerges in the future, the actual details and features of the coin may vary. Always perform thorough research and due diligence before getting engaged with any cryptocurrency or blockchain project.

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