We are happy to introduce an extremely new project developed with a super easy interface, launchpad, effectively explainable use cases, and scalable quite transparent what current investor or developer crave for. This Web3 project is a blockchain project that promise to serve a valid, demanding, and exclusive decentralized applications for users having zero knowledge about the tech or domain.
ABCN Blockchain denoted as Ace Blockchain Crypto Network works on a cutting-edge smart contract and potential network of the Geth software’s Clique Proof of Authority (PoA) consensus mechanism. The team has perfectly laid out mostly used token standards to address the scalability, security, transparency, and decentralization challenges existing in current ecosystem and traditional blockchain systems.
The team of developers leverages the potential of PoA protocols to make ABCN Blockchain stand out of the crowd delivering an efficient and reliable environment. This platform is initiated for both the developers as well as in-house experts to explore the sights of decentralized applications (DApps) eventually deployed on Ace Network. Currently, you will find a verified terms of the GNU license of ABCN Blockchain which stays upright to its reputation.
Hence, you can use this potent blockchain network to develop, create and portray your interest and skillset for future prospect. Let us mention some details about our token standards, specifications, product use case and smart contract supporting blockchain.
ABC Network Main Net
The ABC Network Main Net is comparatively fast, scalable,and transparent network having a record to work within 3 second average block time. The team has carefully released a sophisticated native asset named ABCN coin for overall ecosystem housing a tokenomics around 21,000,000 ABCN Coin supply. Moreover, this blockchain supports ABCN-20, ABCN-721, and ABCN-1155 token standards to offer the majority facets to the user base making a loud host to begin with.
Check out the smart contracts contribution that has been introduced in support of ABCN Blockchain. Ace Blockchain for Crypto Network is a technical standard which can be used to initiate assets, hence, implement smart contracts on the independently launched blockchain network. You will find many ABCN standards that define various functionalities/features precisely for tokens and contracts.
- ABCN-20 : This standard represents the basic functionality defined for fungible tokens on the Ace Network that are the commonest type of assets used in diverse decentralized applications, exchanges, as well as token sales.
- ABCN-721 : This standard defines and supports the concept of NFTs unlike ABCN-20 tokens, the assets supporting this standard are unique and indivisible. Such tokens define their ownership of a particular digital item. Since, 2020, the non-fungible tokens have gained significant fame and reputation in the art and gaming industries.
- ABCN-1155 : This standard is a combination of the aspects of both ABCN-20 and ABCN- 721 token standards while enabling the initiation of fungible as well as non-fungible assets within a single smart contract. This emergence is quite useful for sorts of applications which is developed in a mixture of both the kinds of token.
Note that the standards supported and embraced by ABCN blockchain are not the actual smart contracts themselves, instead a set of rules/guidelines used to implement some set of functionalities. Hence, with the help of this blockchain network you as a developer can feasibly create your own smart contracts adhering to some intentional standards.