The ABCN Coin’s tokenomics are designed to create a sustainable and equitable ecosystem.
Total Supply: 21000000
Staking reserve: 26%
Staking Royalty: 52%
Liquidity for First 20 tokens on Ace Blockchain: 5%
Marketing: 4%
Development: 3%
Web3 Infrastructure: 3%
The team: 2%
Partnership & Influencers: 5%
A portion of the total supply is allocated to incentivize network validators and stalkers, promoting network security and encouraging long-term participation.
Use Cases
ABCN Coin serves as a versatile utility token within the ecosystem. Some of its primary use cases include:
- P2P Transactions: Users can seamlessly send and receive ABCN Coins for various peer-to-peer transactions.
- DApp Access: Developers can utilize ABCN Coins to access and pay for services you opt for within our decentralized applications.
- Governance: Token holders can participate in on-chain governance to cast votes on proposals and suggest protocol upgrades.
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